Saturday, June 28, 2014

Prophetic Chocolate

"Today I receive all of God's love for me...
 Today I open myself to the unbounded, limitless, overflowing abundance of  God's universe..."           
  - from The Feast Declaration of Abundance

Today, God's infinite love manifested itself in an unbounded, limitless, overflowing abundance of food... 

  • For breakfast, B cooked rice and sitaw and shared it with me. 
  • Upon reaching the library, I ate a piece of pan de sal from the SVD-ALS bakery with my coffee. 
  • Then halfway through the morning, A handed L and me two types of rice cake each... biko and puto pao
  • Lunch was c/o CTS. 
  • During the afternoon break, P, a new CTS student I just met, gave me mamon
  • On the way home, I bumped into some SASMA brothers and they treated me to isaw and Sparkle. 
  • For dinner, B's mom cooked tilapia and veggies. There were grapes for dessert. 

And all evidence of this overflow has disappeared into my tummy without a trace except for a piece of chocolate with a prophecy of what will happen to me:


Thank you, Lord, for providing not only physical nourishment but the people through whom you extend such overflow.

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