Saturday, June 21, 2014

Beep! Beep! The right jeep is coming down the street...

Last week, I waited for some time for the right jeep to come along on the last leg of the route home. It took so long, my patience ran out. I ended up taking a not-exactly-right jeep part of the way so I can finally get the one I needed.

As I made my way home today, I wondered how difficult it would be at that particular stop. It was drizzling and the P65-umbrella I had bought to replace my lost one was drooping sadly. One spoke was beyond repair and the rest were misshapen and crooked.

But as soon as I had crossed the street, the second jeep that came was exactly what I needed. Yehey!

Sometimes we wait for the right jeep but it doesn't come--then we try another way. It could be more inconvenient but it still gets us to our destination. But sometimes, just when we need it the most, the right jeep comes along at exactly the right time. Providence! 

Thank you, Lord, for making it easy for me to stay dry and get home safely tonight. Hugs!

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