Monday, June 10, 2013

Golden Tablet-Calf

It makes me sad to see a little boy playing with a tablet throughout the celebration of the mass at Feast PICC. (This picture was taken after the mass when the boy's elder sister took her turn at the tablet...) 

What are the "tablets" in our life that hinder us from loving God? 

Is it our intellect? Some people cannot stand even hearing about Church teachings because they place their faith in their own perspective, opinion, and ideas.

Is it the desire to look beautiful? Perhaps the most extreme would be people who sacrifice their bodies just to be model-thin. Isn't anorexia a form of idolatry where thinness is the god worshiped? A god for whom the anorexic is willing to give even his/her life...

Is it sex? How many people have sacrificed their own flesh and blood simply to have the "right" to a "safe and satisfying" sex life? Abortion is today's modern equivalent of child sacrifice---made on the surgical table cum altar to sex.

There are so many golden tablet-calves today that people whoreship... 

Lord, forgive us for our many offenses against you... cleanse us and remove the golden tablet-calves in our lives. Grant us the grace to faithfully love you until the end.This we ask in Jesus' name. Amen.

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