Sunday, March 23, 2014

Tiptoing... trotting...

Relationships are a tricky business especially when the people around you whom you care about are having a serious conflict. 

But I am grateful that despite the complicated situation, the graduation ceremony went off without a hitch and people somehow managed to be around each other despite everything.

Also, a decision to stay with a friend bore fruit in heart-to-heart conversation which eased my own worries and again confirmed my respect and trust in this person. Thanks, KB!

* * * * *

One block away from my house, the happy anticipation of getting home was interrupted with a sudden bump, a screech and yelp of pain--in horror, I saw a puppy looking up at me in fear under the wheel of the tricycle! All I could think at that moment was, "Lord!" and grabbing Jesus' arm. I had no words to plead for the puppy but my emotions did all the talking I think.

Somehow, the puppy escaped and trotted out--I was looking for a limp but, thank God, the cutie seemed fine, though it continued crying. Thank you, Lord, for letting the puppy be okay. Superthanks!!! 

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