Thursday, February 19, 2015

Forty Days

My father was hospitalized for forty days. He could not eat nor drink for most of that time. It was quite difficult.

Ash Wednesday marks the fortieth day since he got out of the hospital. All this time, he has been suffering from persistent headaches. In a different way, it is still difficult for everyone.

I wonder what the next 39 days of Lent will bring. I hope Easter will come soon... preferably in the form of recovery, healing and restoration for my father.

Lord, thank you for each family member, especially aunts and uncles who support us during this time, cook yummy lunches to tempt Tatay's appetite, and listen with compassion. Thank you for people who pray for us. In the meantime, please grant us the grace to get through each day with patience, kindness, and love. This we ask in Jesus' name. Amen.