Wednesday, September 9, 2015

A Traffic Pass

It has been a few weeks since my last entry. Divine presence has not been wanting but a brief silence seemed apt.

The most significant blessing is that I have a new job, albeit for a two-month contract. It is divine providence once again. The timing was perfect because it started the day after Tatay's 40th day. And it came through a former office connection renewed through theology.

Despite this enormous blessing, what prompted me to write again were the gifts I received from Mama Mary last September 8. I consider them gifts from the birthday celebrator instead of the other way around because she had been on my mind the whole day.

In any case, the first gift was punctuality despite the terrible traffic situation in Manila. I arrived on the dot. 

The second was an unusual early arrival at home. 

I had decided to take the service provided by the office. And the route they decided to take was the Skyway, which meant we had to shell out our own money for the rather steep toll. Happily, when everyone had paid a part of the toll it amounted to a very reasonable P17 each.

Because of those decisions, I was home by 7:30 pm instead of the usual 9 or 10 pm. My mother and sister were still eating dinner. Amazing!

Added to that, it turns out my decision to skip Shopwise and not buy fruits was coordinated by text-by-angel because my mother's 3 pm text to say "do not buy fruits" (like I did the previous day) came in late. I read it at 11 pm when I was already at home. 

The following day, when I returned to the office, I heard tales of rain, flood, and traffic which caused terrible delays to many people on the later shift. What a contrast to my experience.

There are no easy solutions to the traffic situation in Manila but I am grateful to have received a one-day pass.

Happy birthday, Mama Mary. Thank you po for the safe and fast travel yesterday. Please pray for us especially at the hour of our death so that we may also have a safe (and speedy) journey to our eternal home someday.

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