Thursday, July 23, 2015


Death came for my father at last. His suffering is over. He is at peace.

Silence comes easily but I cannot blog a blank page. The right words feel like fish I am trying to catch by hand. 

There is a serenity punctuated by tearful moments. I imagine him having a heavenly reunion with loved ones. He is with his parents again, my grandparents, whom he would miss from time to time when he was still on earth. I wonder if he and another relative, who died twelve hours after him, chat while queuing to enter heaven. 

"Nandito ka rin?" one might ask. Then they would take turns relating how they died. Afterwards they would compare notes on their children and talk of their hopes and dreams for those they left behind.

I see my father meeting new friends... a father of a close friend who died about seven or eight years ago. Maybe the mother of BCat who died even earlier. 

I wonder if he had chatted on earth with the father of a cousin-in-law who died two days after him or if their heavenly chat would be their first real conversation.

There is a great comfort in "the communion of saints" that forms part of my Catholic faith. Love is stronger than death. The relationship continues even after the physical separation. We still belong to the same body of Christ.

* * * * *

Throughout the difficulties since Tatay got sick, true friends have come to the fore with their prayers, emotional and financial support. The generosity has been overwhelming. What particularly touched me was that our main doctor truly fought with us; he stopped charging anything for a good part of our stay even when he was making daily rounds and spending time with us to answer our questions.  

Three months' stay in the hospital is no joke but because of people just pouring out their support, a significant chunk of the cost was borne by friends and relatives. PCSO helped too. My faith in divine providence has been renewed.

Lord, thank you for being with us every step of the way through the valley of death. We trust in your merciful salvation to see us through to triumphant resurrection. May all the souls of the faithful departed rest in the peace that only you can give. This we ask in Jesus' name.

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