Adding cooking and musical skills to the mix, Banban is an all-around invaluable member of the mission who will continue his volunteering at Masbate after the outreach in Tacloban is over.
A graduate of Fazenda, Banban continues to live out the gospel with an ever-ready hand to help in anything--whether it be mixing paint to get the right color, loading or unloading coco lumber or iron sheets, or creatively using left-over corned beef with pork and beans for dinner.
He will also ask if you want to accompany him on an errand when he knows you've just experienced a moment of disillusionment and are feeling heavy at heart. And when you're back at the house with a lighter heart but empty hands (after vainly searching the nearby stores for dahon ng sibuyas), he'll disappear only to come back a few moments later with the necessary ingredient requested by Sr. Angeline, sourced from a neighbor's potted onions.
Thank you, Banban, for the quirky humor, the yummy cooking, uplifting guitar playing, and the sensitive initiative you take to meet the different needs around you. May God bless you with a very fruitful year of volunteering at the farm!
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