Tuesday, July 9, 2013


Yesterday we were supposed to have a group meeting at 1 pm, which for me meant delaying my lunch (my lunch sked is 1 to 2 pm). When the meeting was over, I was grumpy and hungry but not really wanting to eat the food I found in the pantry. I was thinking of getting noodles at the Forum shop but instead I ran into two brothers, Frt. K and Frt. Ch, who asked if I wanted some arroz ala cubana. It was a birthday treat from a religious sister they visited.

Of course I preferred a special home-cooked rice dish to instant noodles! And Frt. Ch added suman for dessert. Yay!

Thank you, Lord, for satisfying my hunger with yummy arroz ala cubana and suman. Sarap! Thank you for Frt. K and Frt. Ch for being the instruments of your blessing. Please bless the sister who celebrated her birthday by feeding the hungry. Thanks, thanks! =)

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